Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My construction model

Well I've been working with my construction model to see how to raise the sections off the ground while they are bolted together. I have worked out a design for the metal plates that connect the masonite down the spine and I've got a good relationship with a local sheet metal fabricator to make my custom connection plates.
I started building in the back yard and so far each leaf (2ft X 16 ft) is pretty strong. Manhandling and dragging them around has not damaged anything or loosened the connections. But obviously I need big fender washers to spread the fastener load. I am using 3/8" hex bolts to connect the individual leaves together down the spine. Big Jawn suggested using eye bolts on the inside of the spine to guide a cable for hoisting. At this point it is unclear whether this cable will need to remain after construction.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is that the lantern that you've been working on for this year's Burning Man? Maybe you can post pictures of the finished product so that people can appreciate all of your hardwork. What is your plan for next year's Burning Man project?

    Jamie Shellman
