Thursday, April 15, 2010

What about Galvanized sheets

Again up late problem solving and working on the construction model, trying to figure how this thing can bootstrap itself into being. haven't figured it out yet. But as I was pondering the model I realized that this thing , if made of wood, will be a pyros wet dream. Spent some time reconciling myself with the possibility of it being maliciously burned and then, Ding! "What if I made it from sheet metal?" It would look great and fasten together easily and securely and not burn. I didn't factor the cost of sheet metal into my budget but it might work. more research.


  1. Galvanized sheets offer many cost savings to consumers. The process of hot-dipping sheets do not require as much work as some other coating process, helps keep costs down. In addition, leaf require little maintenance, so that customers are often out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the metal, while the lifetime of the product.

  2. it is seem that the galvanized sheet of expanded metal gives much better rust protection than untreated steel.
